Tuesday, September 8, 2009


I'm having a fever right now so that's why I didn't come to school today and I'm not fasting (Shhhh, lol). Yesterday was so suck, very bad runny nose, cough, sore throat, headache aaand my back hurts (you don't have to know why haha). H1N1? Definitely not. Hope so, well I haven't been to the clinic yet maybe after this but I'm feeling a little bit better now so I'm not sure. My voice sounds sengau haha. Ever since this H1n1 thingy, people tend to be so worried if they had a fever (well you should be) but ntahlah it'a funny you know haha never mind, I'll just keep it to myself. Get well soon, Azmalihah! Tomorrow I'm going to school (maybe), so beware people! Haha cause you might be infected by moi. Haha okay TTFN!

P.s - The title means fear of the number 666. Second longest word I've ever seen, whoa .

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