Monday, November 30, 2009

We're partners in crimes

Hello long time no see. So did you miss me? Did you miss me? No? Okay. I have a runny nose which is SO cool. Not. How long has it been eh since school holiday? I can't remember. 10 days huh? Wow, it feels like almost 1 month already. Yeay.

By the way, I've watched New Moon for 3 times. HAHA yeah I know, whatever. Alya, she's seen it for 4 times, lagi power. Hahaha. Can I have my own Edward? Or Taylor Lautner? Cause it would be so cool to have a vampire or a werewolve as your friend. HAHA. Yes Alya, we own Taylor Lautner. Taylor Swift can share with us too. Back off everyone, hehehehe okay joking.

Anyhoo, Alya bets me to find a rempit friend by the end of this December. Hahaha kacang, no offence okay but rempits are kind of easy to get them cause hmm, you know what I mean so I don't have to write it down here. Like heyy aweksszxx, bulehz berkewnalawnnzzzz? Knock it off you guys, it's annoying (if you don't know). Okay I'm sorry. But I pretty much think that others are thinking the same way like I do. 

Ooooor there's always a second choice -  the gay ones? That's quite hard you know, it's ridiculously impossible to turn a gay into a straight one. I don't think I can do it. So I won't do it. I just can't. (Yeah I'm a loser, yeay me). This whole thing is about having fun so don't get us wrong. It's just a one dumb plan. Okay okay I should stop now, cause this is so a sensitive issue. LOL. We're not gonna do it anyway, but Alya might. HAHAHA kan Alya? I'll give you 1 ringgit. if you do it. HAHAHAHAA.

P.s. I miss playing with rollerblades

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