Monday, October 24, 2011

Meet me in the pouring rain

Last night's dream was a bit painful, painful in a sweet way I must say. Painful because it's not there anymore. Sweet because it's reminding me of my past. Reminiscing all those sweet times. All the daily life schedule I had to go through. In that dream, I saw myself wearing my old school uniform, going to school, and how a lot have changed, and then I saw myself wearing my NS clothes on. Along with my friends, they were there too, but they were on tv, saying how bad they miss NS haha weird much? I know. Then all of sudden, I was going to my tuition centre, and I caught a glimpse of my tuition mates and my teachers. Aaah, those sweet memories

Friends out there, I want you guys to know that I will always remember yall. You guys are the one who made me through till this day. If I didn't contact you or talk to you, doesn't mean that I have forgotten about all of you. You guys are always in my prayers. Muchas Gracias. You know who you are.

Hello there Mr. Monkey, can we be friends? Lol

P.s. Hey I've got my blogging mood back. So who knows I might be updating more.
P.p.s And it's funny how I went thru my old posts and still doesn't even get a clue what I was talking about.

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