Friday, December 17, 2010

From the bottom of my heart

High school life has already finished. CAN'T BELIEVE IT MAN! Last night was supposed to be a memorable night. Oh well, let's get over it people. They planned it very hard but what to do everything happens for a reason isn't it?

So 11 years we were stuck in school, same old story everyday, the drama queens, the cat fight and stuffs like that. And now, no more school, I repeat NO MORE HIGH SCHOOL. Of course, everyone is going to go the university, a scary life to go through you know since no warden is going to guard you, no teacher is going take care of you. You'll be away from your parents. It's just you and your friends. I know university life is so cool yaww like you dont have to wear the same old uniform everyday, you dont really have to listen to the rules, you can go anywhere you want without feeling any hesitation so that you won't get caught. So long story short, university life is a whole lot wilder then school life. So take care of yourself guys. Be independent. Oh ma gad look who's talking! Im soo not independent.

And yes I'm definitely absolutely positively going to miss high school. We don't know what we're going to be in 10 years time. Again, every one will go on their separate ways. Again, we're gonna lose contact. Tick tock tick tock everyone gets married, like whoa imagine going to the reunion like 10 years from now and you'll see the hottest guy at school alone all by himself and you can't help but wonder why is he still not married yet hahah trololololo boo ya. RANDOM GILA! That was a joke. No hard feelings.

So a bunch of thanks to everyone (when I say everyone, I mean everyone, like ze teachers, friends, seniors, juniors, mokcik dayaring, pok guard and mokcik kantin and others) who's helped me a lot. I'm sorry if I have ever hurt your feelings directly and indirectly. People make mistakes ya know so yeeeeeeah. Let's just forgive and forget :) Im so gonna miss yaaaaaaall! Awwwwww. Ezpecially you you and yooooooooou you. 

Yes I always get this first impression from everyone saying I'm sombong, suka jeling jeling orang. So again, I'm sorry. Really didn't mean to. And again I'm sorry if I've never talked to any of you guys. Please saya tak sombong, saya malu :) TEEHEE. I don't eat people. I'm friendly if youre friendly. Ceh boleh plak camtu. Truk kan! Got to change that perception comel weyy. But if you mess with me, you're gonna get it, naah just kiddin. Alright we're cool now. Ahhaa


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