Thursday, June 17, 2010

LALALA singing a song LALA

Sup homie?

I think my sister has been stalking me secretly, lol. If you're reading this then HI ANGAH! Hahaha I don't think stalking is the right word, cause stalking is a bad bad thing isn't it? So catching up on me is the perfect term in this situation. She laughed at my url haih I know it sounds so lame and stupid and it will be the last name people will ever wanna choose before they die. What do you expect? I created this 2 years back la dey, after my PMR. That was the only name that I could come up with. You know I suck at picking names. I just picked whatever I saw in front of me and apparently, there was a crocs right there. There, happy? You know maybe someday I will change the url or make a new one and it would be I AM AZMA THE GREAT DOT BLOGSPOT DOT COM woooooohoooooooooooooo. Not now lerh.

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