Sunday, June 27, 2010

Day dream

Normally, when people get bored, they will day dream or some people will do anything to have fun. So yeah, one day I was day dreaming, in public, but not so public lah cause there weren't many people there, and I didn't know what I was dreaming about. And you know, when you day dream, nothing makes sense right? And you couldn't even bother what's happening around you and of course your eyes will focus on one particular thing but at the same time, you have no idea exactly what you're looking at, right? Then after quite some time, I realized that I was day dreaming. And I realized that, while I was day dreaming, I was actually staring at an old woman's butt. Hahaha  I know right. Sorry aunty, I didn't mean to. I absolutely have no feelings towards you okay so chill hahaha. So the moral from the story is, before you day dream, make sure your eyes were looking at somewhere safe? Yeah.

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